Meet Amy

I have struggled with the answer when asked, "What do you do?" and it isn't work-related. Ultimately, we settled on that I find things and untangle things. But I also read (a lot), pretend to wake surf, and watch Hallmark films.

Amy's bookshelf: 2024

The Weekend Away
it was amazing
So so good! Orla and Kate are long-time best friends off on a girls' weekend away. Kate is a bit of a player who is trying to get back at her soon-to-be-ex, causing her to spend frivolously and do drugs and hook-ups. Orla is a new mom ex...
tagged: 2024, audible-books, five-stars, thriller, and thoughtful
Written Off
really liked it
tagged: 2024, cozy, easy, and four-stars
Maybe Next Time
really liked it
Parts were a screaming 5 and parts were like “what?” And just irritated me. It is a Groundhog Day premise about a family of four - the mom is caught up in her own life and missing all that is going on around her with her kids and then he...
tagged: 2024, audible-books, fiction, four-stars, and thoughtful

Summer is here - Time to get HEALTHY

Every year, or so it seems, Scott and I decide that we need to eat better, have less treats in the house and work out some. (I’m being honest here – “some” is A LOT more than we normally do). Scott will start going to the gym. I’ll start swimming. We’ll both start eating better […]


We believe in Boys Night Out

Especially when it is boating season.

It is really hard to always round up other families to go with us boating. And we can’t just go the 4 of us – at least not very easily.

So, every once in a while, Scott will leave straight from work and head out to the lake with […]


Oh how happy the reunion...

I imagine the brightness of the light to be overwhelming and so inviting. A light that can’t be described by our earthly words and emotions. As I walk into the light, my insides begin to swell and the warmth is intoxicating. It feels as if I’m getting the most loving […]


Allergies got the best of us...

I’ve posted about my sweet, cute, hyper yet cuddly puppy before. There have been comments about how adorable her is and how some of you have been considering getting a puppy yourself. Some have commented that they are a lot of work and that you are not up for it or rather that you have […]


Three Loves - What would yours be? and a giveaway!!!

We all spend our lives finding things that we love. We fall in love with people. Sometimes we fall in love with a special kind of chocolate. Maybe we love an activity or a book. Or we could love a movie.

My first two loves are easy. My family and my faith. I struggle defining […]
